Before: Very bland and boring!

There’s a loft thing above the bed that could actually hold a mattress, but it doesn’t work well for when you have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. Nonetheless, the loft was ugly, especially on the underside, so I stretched some canvas over the bottom like one would stretch a painters’ canvas. Hides the raw beams and catches the dust!

A young girl inside of me must have always wanted a canopy bed, haha! I went a little nuts. I bought fabric and tassels, etc, for the top, and had made those flower lights previously. The blue lamp holds a tealight. My mom and I chose the fabric for my bedspread and throw pillows at SAS in Phoenix. I got the bedspread mostly done before I left and then mom finished and sent it to me. It’s a quilt, really- held together with tiny turquoise pom poms on top!
So much cuteness, it’s almost embarassing!