Tag Archive: health

  1. Introducing the Embrace Health HPV Campaign

    The Embrace Health HPV Campaign is a complete, self-contained program aiming to increase HPV Vaccination rates on college campuses. Hajira Qazi, a fellow graduate student, and I researched and designed this program as a part of our Visual Communications Studio at Carnegie Mellon University.  Our client was the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), represented by Abby Wilson, …

  2. China and Recycling

    Wow, wow, wow. Serious internet toboggan this afternoon that began last night at Foresight Design Initiative Green Drinks. The topic was “Art and Sustainability”, so of course I was interested (and also the founder of Foresight is an Obie alum), and so I went and listened to members of Chicago-based Filament Theatre Company discuss their …

  3. Bumper Sticker

    There are few issues I feel commited to enough that I would actually put a bumper sticker on my car, but the importance of vaccines is an exception. I know, I know, I don’t have kids, I’ve already been vaccinated myself, so I’m not exactly in the average demographic of people who get riled up …