Category Archive: Design

  1. Neighboring: a community design project

    Introduction Neighboring is a community-building art project led by myself and fellow designer Catherine Oldershaw. The project invites Pittsburghers, both artists and non-artists alike, to create art or artifacts that explore what it means to be a neighbor. Neighboring will culminate in a juried gallery exhibit at Late Space, where select works will be on display …

  2. Pittsburgh Civic Visions research

    This semester at Carnegie Mellon I’ve been fortunate to work with professor Dan Lockton as a research assistant. The project that I am working on is called Pittsburgh Civic Visions, on a team that includes Dan, myself, Ashlesha Dhotey, Nehal Vora,two other design masters candidates and Silvia Mata-Marin, a PhD candidate. The intent of this research …

  3. Introducing the Embrace Health HPV Campaign

    The Embrace Health HPV Campaign is a complete, self-contained program aiming to increase HPV Vaccination rates on college campuses. Hajira Qazi, a fellow graduate student, and I researched and designed this program as a part of our Visual Communications Studio at Carnegie Mellon University.  Our client was the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), represented by Abby Wilson, …

  4. Infographic for Illinois Legal Aid Online

    For this non-profit’s year-end donor appeal email campaign, I was hired to create a flowchart “quiz”.  Due to concerns about celebrities’ publicity rights, I was asked not do do representational portraits of Steve Jobs, Malala Yousefzai or Kanye West, so I had to come up with another way to represent them! All text was provided by …