On September 17th and 18th I showed my work at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD. Above was my set up this year, and to the right, last years’. If you look closely, you’ll see that last year I was selling just two mini-comics plus greeting cards. This year, I had three mini-comics, a four-part …
In just a couple weeks I’ll be tabling at the 5th ever ELCAF. I am thrilled to have been accepted and can’t wait to meet new comics artists and creators! The East London Comics and Arts Fest runs June 10-12th at the Round House Chapel, and admission for the full weekend is 10 pounds. I’ll be …
If you haven’t already heard , I’ll be exhibiting at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD in just a few weeks! The organizers released the layout, and I’ll be at table J12, as shown above. Can’t wait to be there and spend all of my money on comics! I’ll have minis and greeting cards …